Our Purpose


This website is designed for clinicians.

We aim to provide access to resources that will help you easily understand and apply modern contextual behavioural principles in your day-to-day clinical work.

These resources will include:

There have been a number of large shifts in clinical psychology over the past few decades. The introduction of third wave therapies or contextual CBT has highlighted the usefulness of mindfulness and acceptance-based approaches to clinical work. The clinical agenda of finding effective treatment packages for particular diagnostic syndromes has been increasingly replaced by more individualised approaches to treatment which focus on core processes most likely to result in meaningful change. Advances in our understanding of verbal behaviour (through Relational Frame Theory) has given clinicians a greater range of tools to influence the context of their clients’ lives and shape more effective behavioural repertoires. 

These advances, guided by the broader field of Contextual Behavioural Science (CBS), require clinicians to think functionally, see beyond the form and content of their clients’ behaviours and seek to understand the historical and situational factors which have shaped them. To achieve this clinicians need to have a basic understanding of behaviour-analytic principles, and be able to apply these to their clients’ behaviours inside and outside the therapy room. However, these are skills which clinicians often do not acquire as part of their formal education and learning.